Display of kitchen counter with lower cabinets, sink 和 dishwasher.

Under sink storage: What not to store under the sink

Organize the space under the sink to make your home safer 和 more efficient. Read these helpful ideas that are easy for everyone in your household to follow.

清洁产品, household extras 和 灯泡: It's easy to store those miscellaneous extras w在这里ver you can find room — especially under the sink. 但不要让这个空间成为一个包罗万象的东西. 容易漏水; 潮湿和发霉, 小手也很容易拿得到, t在这里 are many reasons you should think before you store something under the sink. Here's some do's 和 don'ts to follow as an under the sink guideline.


Harsh chemicals, bug spray, paper towels, waxes, carpet shampoo, drain cleaners, polishes 和 paints. 甚至一些清洁产品, including dishwasher pods 和 colorful spray bottles, can be dangerous 和 entice curiosities for paws or tiny fingers. Store liquid 和 powder cleaners on higher shelves to help avoid 宠物事故 or 年幼的孩子. (即使是天然清洁剂,如果摄入也会有害.)

  • 电子产品 - T在这里's nothing more convenient than having your go-to h和held vacuum easily accessible after dinner, but leaving it under the sink risks damaging it in the event of a 漏水的管子 或者其他湿气. Blenders 和 slow cookers fall into this category, too. 而不是, store electronics someplace that's fairly insulated from that risk — in the pantry, a hall closet near the kitchen or in the kitchen isl和.
  • 灯泡 -囤积备用物资是很诱人的 灯泡 under the sink, but the heavily trafficked cabinet makes the delicate glass easier to smash.
  • 食品和宠物食品 - In the event of a leak it could get into the food 和 cause mold.
  • 工具 —部分工具会被湿气损坏. 为了避免这种情况,储存 工具 在安全干燥的环境中.
  • 岁的项 - If you haven't used it in a while, you might not need it. Consider disposing of it appropriately so that it won't pose a 潜在的火灾危险 .


You can organize the space under your sink with the following items:

  • 备用毛巾或海绵 - Store extra pan scrubbers, brushes or small towels with an under the sink storage rack or organizer. They're on h和 as reinforcement for unexpected spills.
  • 塑料容器 - Save space by nesting containers from largest to smallest 和 separating lids.
  • 簸箕 - Stash a small dustpan 和 brush to quickly sweep up crumbs or dirt.
  • 回收 - Use the under-the-sink area to sort 和 store cardboard, paper, glass 和 recycled plastic.
  • - Stash garbage bags, recycled bags or reusable grocery bags 在这里.
  • 花瓶 - The large space toward the back of cabinet is ideal for keeping a bulky vase.
  • 垃圾桶 - By having your trash can under the sink you will free up floor space, it will keep food scraps out of your pets’ reach 和 your kitchen will look clean 和 organized.

Also, after tackling the space under the sink, take time to review what's in your 地下室存储 和 存放在你的车库里.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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