Father practicing household safety by helping his young daughter clean up a spill.


We've provided some home safety measures to help prevent accidents at home.

这是你放松和撤退的地方:你的家. But a surprising number of accidents that require medical attention occur to people when they are at home. Here are some tips to help prevent common household injuries.


根据美国老龄问题全国委员会的数据, 每四个65岁以上的成年人中就有一个 每年都有瀑布. Here are some actions you can take to help seniors be safer at home:

  • 在老年人浴室安装坚固的扶手.
  • Keep stairs and the floors in high traffic areas clear.
  • Adequately light your home, and rely on nightlights or flashlights if you get up after hours.
  • 考虑使用防滑垫的地毯.
  • 立即擦去溢出物.
  • Clear walkways, stairs and sidewalks after a snowstorm, and treat them with a deicer product or a natural alternative such as sand or sawdust to limit ice buildup.


It is important to teach kids about how to be safe at home, at school, on the 操场上旅行. Here are some tips that may help you in keeping kids safe:

  • 使用婴儿门让幼儿待在更安全的地方.
  • 医学 and chemicals such as bleach and cleaning products should be kept out of reach and in their original containers.
  • Install safety latches and locks on cabinets and drawers.
  • 确保书柜和电视机的安全.
  • Consider adding a protective surface under swings and children's play areas.
  • Cushion sharp table edges at least until your baby is standing and walking steadily.



A box tumbles down from a closet shelf and bumps you on the head, or you slip in the bathroom and slam a wrist against the tile. Injuries that occur when something strikes you — or when you strike something hard — are common accidents that could send you to the ER. 以下是一些有助于防止磕碰和擦伤的建议:

  • 减少机柜上层的物品数量, 壁橱和书架, 让他们井然有序.
  • 检查 梯子放置牢固 before climbing on them; climb only to the top recommended step on the ladder.
  • 使用后立即关闭柜门和抽屉.


搬动沉重的家具会导致背部拉伤. Shoveling snow too long might bring on a shoulder injury — or even a heart attack. Listen to your body when it's telling you to take a break. 帮助家人避免过度劳累的一些建议是:

  • Get the help you need; don't attempt to do strenuous jobs by yourself.
  • When lifting, keep your knees bent and lift from your legs, not your back.
  • 经常休息一下,评估一下自己的感觉.
  • 伸手拿东西时避免扭曲躯干.
  • Use ergonomically designed tools to lessen the chance of injury.
  • Remember to stretch before if you decide to take on a vigorous activity.


Whether you miss the mark while slicing a bagel or get a puncture wound by stepping on something sharp, cutting and piercing injuries also commonly occur at home. 以下是一些需要记住的事情:

  • Keep knives sharp: You use more pressure when cutting with a dull blade, which can lead to slips.
  • Clean up workspaces before you leave the project area — especially those w在这里 nails, 钉子和金属碎片可能掉了下来.
  • Reduce distractions and pay attention when using sharp instruments.
  • 在室外穿鞋.
  • 操作工具时请佩戴手套.
  • 及时接种破伤风疫苗.

Create and keep a well-stocked first-aid kit for your home using these 来自美国红十字会的提示. 看看这些其他的 家居安全用品 & 审计 执行!

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Corrosion in your water-supply system can expose your family to health risks.


Protect yourself and your family from cuts, burns, slips and fires when cooking.


Home electrical fires are often related to wiring problems. 你的家有危险吗?


帮助 maintain the safety of your home by considering these annual home safety tips that cover everything from the attic down to the basement.