
自成立以来, the 状态 Farm® 纵火警犬计划 has put more than 435 dogs and their partners to work in 46 states, 哥伦比亚特区和加拿大的三个省.

索厄尔见面. 还有他的人类伴侣, 克雷格·马修斯上尉, this canine investigator helps investigate fires for the Howard County Department of Fire Rescue Services in Baltimore, MD. 他的工作是帮助寻找火灾后纵火的证据.

这是很重要的工作. 根据 国家消防协会在美国,估计有26.1万起故意纵火事件.S. 每年的住宅建筑, 估计造成440人死亡, 1,300人受伤,10亿美元的直接财产损失.

马修斯和他的纵火犬索厄尔就是在那里, 州立农场纵火犬项目的毕业生, 进来. Sowell is specially equipped to sniff out ignitable liquids that may have been used to intentionally set a fire and lead Matthews right to them.

在工作中调查纵火案和在家做一只普通的狗之间, 索威尔在马修斯生活的各个方面都扮演着重要的角色. 观看马修斯解释他和索厄尔是如何接受训练的.



自1993年起, 州立农场纵火犬计划 has provided funding for the acquisition and training of more than 435 teams across the United 状态s and Canada. Each year billions of dollars in property and hundreds of lives are lost as a result of intentionally set fires. Accelerant detection canines — known as arson dogs — are trained to sniff out minute traces of accelerants (gasoline, 打火机液, 等.),可能是用来生火的. 它们在人类饲养员的家中生活并最终退休, 谁是执法人员或消防专业人员.

All of the dogs chosen for the 州立农场纵火犬计划 are Labrador retrievers or Lab mixes that are acquired through a cooperative program with guide dog and disability assistance canine organizations (as well as through local animal shelters and humane societies). 因为他们精力旺盛,社交活跃, these dogs are career-changed from disability assistance service to crime fighting.


Accelerant detection canines (ADCs) work help to either confirm arson or eliminate the possibility, 允许pp王者电子官网索赔流程向前推进. 犬科动物拥有人类无法复制甚至无法理解的能力. Your average dog's nose is tens of thousands of times more sensitive to odors than a human nose. Dogs can detect some odors in parts per trillion and possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses (compared to about six million in humans). 狗的大脑中专门分析气味的部分是, 按比例来说, 是我们的40倍.

Dogs in the 州立农场纵火犬计划 are trained using Pavlovian techniques. A primary positive response by the canine in the presence of an ignitable liquid is indicated when the canine assumes a "sit" position. 这被称为“被动警报”." The benefit to this type of training is the canine sits and indicates with his/her nose the exact location of the flammable liquid, 这样证据就不受干扰了. 这有助于证据收集的完整性. Once the dog alerts to the presence of an ignitable liquid by sitting and indicating with his nose, 这种反应会被食物奖励和大量的赞美所强化. Food reward training also means the dog only eats when working a fire scene or completing training drills multiple times a day, 每一天. 它们只从饲养员的手里吃东西,从不从碗里吃.

The canine alert does not prove or disprove that ignitable liquids were used in the commission of a crime, 纵火或非法焚烧. Samples must be collected by a qualified evidence technician and confirmed by the crime laboratory to determine if the samples contain ignitable liquids. 火/纵火调查人员, canine handlers and chemists must work in concert to corroborate each other in order to establish that a crime has been committed. 狗是一种有效地找到证据的工具, but it is ultimately up to the arson investigator to gather information before presenting findings to a prosecutor.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.









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