A woman enjoys her hot chocolate while covering up with an electric blanket.


在你插上舒适的电热毯之前, heated mattress pad or even a pet heating pad consider these safety tips.

Electric blankets and heating pads provide comfort on chilly days and in the winter months. 然而,它们可能是 火灾隐患 如果使用不当.


  • 检查产品标签. Make sure your electric blanket is certified by a national recognized testing laboratory, 比如pp王者电子官网商实验室.
  • 检查安全召回. 你可以查看 消费者产品安全委员会 to make sure your blanket or heating pad has not been recalled.
  • 使用时保持加热毯平整. Folds or bunched-up areas can create and trap too much heat. Never tuck an electric blanket around the mattress either.
  • 升级到一个自动关闭. If your blanket doesn't have a timer, turn it off before going to sleep. Electric blanks are not safe to leave on all night while sleeping.
  • 考虑一下你的床的类型. 不要在水床或可调节的床上使用电热毯, 拉开沙发, 躺椅或医院式床.
  • 一次使用一个. Never use a electric blanket and a heated mattress pad at the same time due to risk of overheating.


  • 不要用旧毯子. For blankets ten years or older, they should probably be thrown away. Regardless of their condition and whether or not you see any wear, the internal elements may be deteriorating due to their age and use. Newer blankets are less likely to be worn through — and most operate with rheostats. A rheostat controls heat by gauging both the blanket temperature and the user's body temperature.
  • 不要把任何东西放在毯子上. This includes yourself unless the electric blanket is designed to be laid on. Sitting on the electric blanket may damage the electric coils.
  • 不要使用旋转循环. 旋转循环在扭曲, tugging and turning action might cause the internal coils in your blanket to be twisted or damaged. 获取更多提示 如何洗电热毯 ——而且永远不要干洗.
  • 不要让宠物靠近你的毯子. 猫或狗的爪子会造成撕裂和撕裂, which may expose the electric wiring of the blanket and create shock and fire 对宠物的危害 和你. 如果你不能把你的宠物带走, consider purchasing a low-voltage blanket for yourself or getting a pet heating pad for your cat or dog.
  • 不要在床垫下放绳子. 把绳子藏起来是很诱人的, but running them under the mattress creates friction that can damage the cord or trap excess heat.


  • 储存电线. Unplug the controls from the electric blanket and the wall. 将控制单元和电线放在一个小的储物袋中.
  • 松散地卷或折叠. 滚动是最好的,但如果你必须折叠, 将电热毯或加热垫折松, avoiding sharp folds and creases that become frayed and cause a 火灾隐患.
  • 使用收纳袋. Place the electric blanket in a storage bag with the small bag containing the control unit on top.
  • 储存在架子上. Place the bagged electric blanket away but don't store anything on it to help avoid creasing the coils.


有几个 医疗风险,包括:

  • 糖尿病. Electric blankets can cause overheating and burns, especially if you have diabetes.
  • 流产. Using electric blankets early in pregnancy may increase the risk of a miscarriage.
  • 癌症. Electric devices emit the electromagnet field (EMF) which might, in time, cause cancer.

如果使用得当,电热毯有助于跑步 你的恒温器温度较低 不牺牲任何温暖和舒适. 然而, this is only true if the electric blanket or heating pad is well maintained and properly used.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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