

保护你的孩子, providing for your health care and offering legal directives if you are unable: Those are just a few reasons why estate planning is important.

什么是遗产规划?谁需要遗产规划? Many people believe that only those with multiple real estate holdings and vast wealth need to think through complex issues of inheritance and bequeathment. 但遗产规划并不只是超级富豪的专利. 事实上, everyone could benefit from some thoughtful consideration of the future and what 将 happen to their assets. Here are four estate planning considerations, regardless of your income bracket.



A 不只是把财产分给继承人. It's also the legal document that allows you to designate an executor of your estate, and a guardian for your children in the event something happens to both parents. 考虑 每隔几年修改一次遗嘱 and after any major life event, such as a move or the birth of a child.


如果你的孩子是未成年人, an estate plan can help with directives about who 将 manage and guard their money until they're of age. An estate plan can also designate who you choose to raise your children — acting as a parent — if both you and your spouse die, or the remaining parent is unfit or unable to care for the children. 如果你不指定监护人,那 courts 将 decide who 将 get custody of your children.

一个有特殊需要的孩子的监护人 需要更多的计划. 除了指定一个监护人, you’ll need to consider someone who would best handle having 授权书 for your child and/or being the 受托人 对于一个特别需要信任的人. The guardian and 受托人 do not need to be the same person, and it can be beneficial to have them be different people, 因为这可能会提供一些制衡.

Include health care proxies and directives in estate planning

A proxy (sometimes called a health care "agent" or "surrogate") is someone you name to make health care decisions on your behalf, 如果需要. 如果您没有指定的医疗代理人或 预先医疗指示, a court-appointed guardian 将 make medical decisions for you if you become incapacitated. 通过填写医疗预嘱, you can make your wishes known now about what types of treatments you would and would not want to undergo.


通过授予持久 授权书 给你信任的人, you give that person the ability to manage your financial affairs if you become physically or mentally incapacitated. ("金融 affairs" 在这里 can mean something as simple as accessing your checking account to make your mortgage payment while you recover from emergency surgery.) Again, if you haven't designated someone for this role, a court may appoint someone for you. Not only might that create a complicated situation for your family, but the courts may also appoint someone you would not have chosen yourself.


即使你没有很大的地产, planning for the financial future of your dependents is still important. 通过适当的 指定受益人 为您的帐户和购买 人寿pp王者电子官网 帮助保护所爱的人, you can be sure that your family 将 be able to maintain their standard of living if something should happen to you — regardless of your net worth.

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基本遗嘱和基本遗嘱有什么区别, 淋在将, 节税将, 生活信任等等? Learn more about 将s and trusts in this informative article.


随着技术的不断发展, it's vital to understand what happens to your online accounts when you can no longer manage them or pass away.


Marriage, death and divorce are definite times you should review your estate plan. 这里还有一些其他的.


从你的收入到你孩子未来的教育, 以下是购买人寿pp王者电子官网时需要考虑的问题.