

We know that motorcycle helmets are helpful, but how can you choose the right one?

最常见的是,摩托车手买的第一个配件是头盔. The safety value of a motorcycle helmet makes it a key piece of motorcycle riding gear.

摩托车头盔不仅仅是为了保护. 他们也可以保护你 恶劣天气下骑行,防止道路碎片,并有助减少部分噪音污染. 与越野自行车头盔不同, they are designed to help reduce hearing loss and focus on what’s important — your ride.

多年来, new technology and research data has led to significant changes in motorcycle helmets so you may find a number of motorcycle helmet buying guides available to help.

Here are several questions and ideas to consider as you try to answer the question: 如何选择摩托车头盔? ——然后找到一个最适合你的.


找头盔不仅仅是选择你喜欢的样式, 为你的摩托车配色或找到最优惠的价格. It’s about buying a helmet that fits properly so it can protect you at the level it’s designed for in a 崩溃. 也, a helmet that doesn’t fit properly or is uncomfortable to wear may lead to unnecessary distractions while riding.


When picking out a helmet, you also have to consider the style that has the right 安全功能,为您和您的摩托车骑 经验.


While full-face helmets provide the most protection, t在这里 are other motorcycle helmet types.

  • 全面安全帽 – Enclosing the rider’s head, full-face helmets help protect the nose, eyes and chin. 它们也是最安静的,但提供最小的空气流量.
  • 模块化的头盔 -不像全面头盔, 模块化头盔包括一个铰链,以摆动下巴酒吧的方式.
  • 双运动头盔 – These helmets are designed for riders that move from street to off-road riding. They offer the protection of a face shield but also the “peak” of a dirt bike helmet to allow for ventilation and compatibility with goggles.
  • 开放式安全帽 – Less protective than full or modular helmets, these helmets allow for maximum air flow.
  • 半壳盔 -像开放式头盔一样,半壳头盔只覆盖头部顶部.


  • 头盔安全等级 – When looking at a potential helmet, make sure it passes the safety standards and requirements. T在这里 are several helmet safety certification ratings including DOT (Department of Transportation) and Snell. Helmets that meet these standards should have a sticker indicating the certification rating. A motorcycle helmet with a DOT rating is considered to meet the basic safety standards set by the U.S. 在交通事故中提供保护. 有安全证书等级的头盔 斯奈尔基金会, 独立的车辆安全基础, 可能会贵一点,但经过更严格的测试.

  • 适合 – Snug-fitting, full-face and modular motorcycle helmets provide the maximum level of safety. 看头盔的时候, 看看那些和你的头型相配的:长椭圆形, 中间椭圆形和圆形椭圆形. You can also use a tape measure to determine the circumference of your head to match the recommended sizes on the helmets. 确保你的头盔是合适的. 你不希望填充前后滑动. 如果是这样,头盔可能太大了. As you wear the helmet, the inner pads will begin to conform and fit your head more comfortably.

    As you compare styles, you may wonder: How should a motorcycle half-shell helmet fit? 答案是舒适,就像一个全面头盔. 你应该可以摇你的头而不动. 无论您选择哪种摩托车头盔样式, don’t be afraid to walk around the store wearing your helmet for 15-30 minutes to ensure it will be comfortable.
  • Color -头盔上可见的颜色可以帮助其他司机(和车手)看到你. A black helmet with a black motorcycle may look appealing but consider how it won’t be instantly 司机可见.


  • 通风 – Good airflow is important, whether you choose a full-face or open-face helmet.
  • 可拆卸的衬垫 – Riding can be dirty and a helmet with removable liners allows you to replace them when they get dirty from sweat, 泥土和日常的天气.
  • 护目镜 – Some helmets come with anti-fog systems to help prevent fog in certain weather.
  • 额外的安全功能 -随着科技的进步,头盔的安全性也在提高. Some helmets come with “cheek pad systems” to allow for the helmet to be removed easier in the case of a 崩溃. They may also include “Multi-directional Impact Protection Systems (MIPS)” that are designed to reduce rotational forces in a 崩溃.


The normal life span of a motorcycle helmet is three to five years with normal wear. Many motorcycle enthusiasts agree that helmets should be replaced at least every five years. 作为头盔使用, 部件会发生磨损, 比如下巴带和衬垫. Keep in mind, routinely hanging it by the chin strap can shorten the life of a motorcycle helmet. 也, it’s very important to replace your helmet immediately if it’s been dropped or involved in an accident.

如果你骑的是 摩托车上的乘客,考虑买一个新的摩托车头盔供他们使用. 有一些选择提供了一个更普遍的适合, 所以如果你和很多人一起骑双人车, 这可能有用. However, if you have a regular passenger, consider getting them their own motorcycle helmet.

摩托车头盔提供噪音保护, 天气和碎片, 最重要的是, 提供一些碰撞保护. 建议戴头盔,但不是每个州都要求戴. 向你所在州的车管所查询一下你所在地区的法律. 然后,当你准备好购买头盔和摩托车时, 请联系您的状态 Farm®代理商获取报价.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.









摩托车 riding gear is specifically designed to keep your head and body safe when riding.


From riding tips to motorcycle awareness, you can help make the road safer with these habits.


Do your research and know what's different when it comes to safety while you have a passenger on your bike.


Consider these motorcycle safety tips to help avoid the risk of accidents and stay safe on the road.